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  • Access to all Lemoney Learning courses
  • Standards alignment with hyperlinked lessons
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Premium Account

Everything in Free plus...
$19.99 / month for single license
  • Course-long pacing guides
  • Captsone Projects designed for hands-on-learning
  • Worksheets / homework for more -practice
  • Thousands of assessment questions
  • Pre-built module level assessments
  • Teacher tips & tricks for all lessons
  • Supplemental student learning platform for select courses
  • News roundup
  • Ask an expert
  • Lemoney Coaching (Content training videos)
  • Lemoney AI (Beta) (Tool for in-class Q&A)

School District Sales

Everything in Premium plus...
Contact us for pricing!
  • Onboarding and live support
  • Access to live professional development
  • LMS Integration and SSO